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In this time of ‘social distancing’ while this world-wide pandemic is ongoing, businesses and individuals are relying even more on the Internet, on social media and video-conferencing than ever before. But have you ever thought about were all that data that’s being transmitted goes?

Every time you access your email, do online research, or any number of things that we all take for granted these days—that information passes through a data center. A data center has numerous large computers that store and process large amounts of information and keeps all that information buzzing through cyberspace.

According to an article on DataCenterKnowledge.com, at the end of Oct, 2019 there were approximately 500 hyper data centers in the world with 38% of them located in the United States in states like Iowa, South Carolina and more. Those data centers are owned by companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google.

A typical data center facility has many types of equipment including chillers, cooling towers, water pumps, heat exchangers and control systems. Each piece of equipment needs to be maintained in order to keep all that data freely flowing through cyberspace.

AMG Bolting Solutions is proud to play a part in ensuring your data gets where it needs to go. One of the major data center companies utilizes AMG Bolting Solutions hydraulic tools to maintain its equipment including the TTZ-4 limited clearance wrenches (AKA pancake torque wrenches), for tight spaces, open-ended hydraulic torque wrenches, 4-inch down reaction pads, Hyflow electric power-packs, hydraulic hoses, TTZ-4’s retrofitted with Uni-Swivels for maximum hose movement and eliminates any hose interference.

“Our tooling is utilized to perform intricate maintenance requirements on 22 heat exchanges,” said AMG Bolting Solutions President Alan Gross.

In fact, one employee at one of the data centers said that out of the hundreds of vendors they deal with, “AMG Bolting Solutions was the best supplier experience we’ve encountered by far.”

It’s vital to keep data centers well maintained and operational to keep the information highway moving smoothly and at AMG Bolting we’re super proud to be of help.